“As the Father has sent me, even so, I am sending you.”   

— John 20:21

Upcoming Local Ministry Outreach Opportunities

Both opportunities are scheduled for Saturday, March 29. Find more details by clicking on the graphic.

Every Neighbor,
Every Nation

When we examine not just the life and ministry of Jesus but the whole revelation of God, we find an overriding theme of God’s desire to reach the nations for Christ. God's mission won't be complete until His name has reached “every tribe and language and people and nation.” (Revelation 7:9)

We join this mission primarily through three streams: Local Partnerships, Global Missions, and Local Outreach (Prince CARES).

During the month of October, our church will conduct our annual ministry outreach called “PRINCE Cares!” This ministry opportunity provides our church the means of displaying the supremacy of Jesus to our community in a unified way. It is our expectation that every PRINCE Partner join in this tremendous plan of local ministry.

Local Partnerships

We care about our community!

We partner with several fantastic organizations that provide specialized services for those in our community. If you're looking for an organization to serve with in Oconee, Clarke, and surrounding counties, we suggest starting with one of our partners.

If you find an organization that you would like to serve with, reach out to them with the contact information provided, and they will get you connected!

Dove Creek Elementary School

We want our local teachers to feel appreciated. Throughout the year, we provide breakfast and gift packages to teachers and staff.
Contact: Ami Rivera

The Great Exchange

The Great Exchange equips individuals to share the gospel by hosting events on college campuses to survey students, paving the way for spiritual conversation. 
Contact: Diane Deans


Join the Gideons as they distribute Scripture locally and globally.
Contact: Russ Weaver

Jail Ministry

Join others in sharing the gospel with men and women in Oconee County jail.

Food and Shelter
ACTS Food Bank

Area Churches Together Serving (ACTS) assists churches in meeting food insecurity needs in Oconee County. Join ACTS to hep with quarterly church-wide food drives as well as monthly food sorting and distribution efforts.
Contact: Donnie Brown

Bigger Vision Homeless Shelter

Bigger Vision provides those facing homelessness in Athens with a hot meal and a place to sleep. Help provide and serve dinner once a month at their facility.
Contact: Becky Beasley

Construction Ministry

The PABC Construction Ministry serves local organizations with construction projects. This includes working with some of our other partners as well as working with local projects like Athens Area Habitat. No skills are necessary to join the team; just a heart willing to serve.
Contact: Marion Ivey

Sparrow's Nest Homeless Ministry

Sparrow's Nest exists to resource the homeless of Athens with food, clothing, and training. You can help by providing a monthly meal as well as assisting with clothing needs.
Contact: Phyllis Eubanks

Foster Care and Adoption
Prince FAM

Prince Family Advocacy Ministry (Prince FAM) is a ministry of Prince Avenue Baptist Church that exists to connect families interested in participating in foster care and adoption—whether to participate directly or to support families who serve in these areas.
Contact: Denise Kuntz

Chosen For Life Ministries

CFLM raises awareness and helps churches provide support for foster and adoptive families. Join a foster care team to support a foster family through meals and respite child care.
Contact: Denise Kuntz

Families 4 Families

Families 4 Families is a private foster care agency that is committed to addressing the challenges of foster care by collaborating with local churches to recruit, train, and support compassionate, Christian foster families.
Contact: Denise Kuntz

Uniting Hope

Uniting Hope is a faith-centered foster agency that recruits, trains, and encourages foster families.
Contact: Denise Kuntz

Language Ministries
ESL Classes

We are excited to offer English as a Second Language soon in our community. If you are interested in getting involved in this international outreach, please let us know. 
Contact: Sky Pratt

Pregnancy Services
Athens Pregnancy Center

Athens Pregnancy Center exists to help men and women choose life when confronted with an unplanned pregnancy and provides ongoing support. We are looking for people willing to help mentor men or women as well as participate in maintenance projects around the center.. 
Contact: Miriam Nelson

Support & ReCovery Services
Atlanta Mission Thrift Store

Atlanta Mission exists to help end homelessness by providing resources and opportunities to men struggling with poverty and addiction. We are looking for volunteers to help sort clothes and merchandise as well as mentor individuals in the recovery program. 
Contact: Karen Pratt

Mercy Health Center

Mercy provides free medical, dental, pharmacy, and health education to low-income families in our area. We are looking for volunteers to help interpret for Spanish clients, volunteer as health care workers, help with facility maintenance, and provide meals for volunteers. 
Contact: Tracy Thompson


If you have any questions about local missions, don't hesitate to reach out!

Contact Us

Prince CARES


Prince CARES is an opportunity for our entire church to join together to bless our city and be the hands and feet of Jesus!

Every October, we challenge our church family to serve one of our local partners. We are working on projects for this October for individuals and families. We look forward to serving with you!

Find a Project 

Global Partnerships

Every Neighbor,
Every Nation!

We are honored to partner with missionaries across the globe who are helping lead people to trust and follow Jesus! Make it a regular habit to pray for our global partnerships! An encouraging word can do more than you think! Reach out and let our partners know you’re praying for them and their ministries using the email addresses listed.

serving in ENGLAND

Mary Beth Brannon

We are assisting in a new church plant in the greater Manchester area. The church is made up of people from many nationalities, many are refugees and Muslim-background believers.
Contact Mary Beth

Lucho, Lilian, Joyce, & Ethan Sanchez

We are assisting in a new church plant in the greater Manchester area. The church is made up of people from many nationalities, many are refugees and Muslim-background believers.
Contact the Sanchez Family

Serving in Japan


Prince is engaged with a new church plant in Tokyo. Greater Tokyo is home to nearly 34 million people. The Japanese are one of the largest unreached people group in the world.
Contact the Oue Family


Prince is engaged with a new church plant in Tokyo. Greater Tokyo is home to nearly 34 million people. The Japanese are one of the largest unreached people group in the world.
Contact the Creed Family

Serving in the Himalayas


We are actively engaged in reaching an Unreached People Group in the Himalayas who are primarily Tibetan Buddhists.
Contact the Woodward Family

Madison, Madelyn, Griffin, & Knox McCalmon

We are actively engaged in reaching an Unreached People Group in the Himalayas who are primarily Tibetan Buddhists.
Contact the McCalmon Family

Serving in Uganda


We are partnering with Kupendwa Ministries who reaches young women in Uganda who are pregnant and unwed. Many have been living on the streets before coming to Kupendwa.
Contact Amy Washington

Serving in Peru


Prince has helped to start a new church in Pitumarca, Peru. This is a community of both Spanish and Quechua-speaking peoples.

serving in Southeast Asia

Kevin Rance

Kevin Rance is reaching the deaf in Southeast Asia through evangelism and disciple-making.
Contact Kevin Rance

Serving in Moldova


The Colemans participate in university ministry, teaching English, and evangelism.
Contact the Coleman Family

Current Trips/Opportunities

Ministry Staff

Mary Berry
Kids Ministry & Missions Ministry Associate