What is Prince Pals?

Prince Pals is the Special Needs Support Ministry of Prince Avenue Baptist Church. Our desire is to support individuals with special needs—physical, emotional, cognitive, and developmental—and their families in whatever level of support they need to succeed! We are excited to meet you!

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Prince Pals Family Newsletter

When is Prince Pals available?

Our goal is to be available during our normal weekly gathering times. 
We ask that parents remain on campus during these times and not drop off participants.

Sundays @ 8:15am, 9:45am, & 11:15am

Wednesdays @ 6:15pm-7:30pm

What Ages do you support?

Prince Pals is overseen by the Children’s Ministry and their staff, however, we welcome participants of all ages, infant through adult, and will work together to meet their needs in the most appropriate setting.

What curriculum do you use?

We are proud to use Awe & Wonder curriculum in Prince Pals. This is a curriculum specifically developed for those with disabilities. 

How do I get started?

The first step is to contact our Prince Pals Coordinator, Ashley Downs. She will set up a meeting with your family and participant where you will complete an intake form, tour the facility, and develop a plan to meet their needs.
Contact us Today!

Please download and fill out the form below and bring it with you to your meeting with Ashley Downs. 
Intake Form

How can we help?

Support looks different for each individual, and we want to work with you to provide the best support for your family! 
Many participants utilize a hybrid of supports. During our initial meeting, we will together to come up with a plan that meets the needs of your participant!

Our capabilities include but are not limited to:
  • Providing accommodations to grade-level Community Group leaders
  • Extra volunteer to support participants
  • Lessons and activities in Prince Pals room for participants who need a temporary sensory break or more intense supports


  • Designated handicapped parking spots specifically for wheelchair-accessible vans
  • Golf cart team readily available to shuttle families
  • Prince Pals room is equipped with a full-sized table which provides a safe, comfortable, and private space for individuals of all ages and their caretakers who require assistance with personal care

Have questions? 

Please don't hesitate to reach out! We look forward to talking to you and finding the best way we can support your family!
Let us know!

You are welcome Here!

 Supporting individuals with special needs and their families as we lead them to trust and follow Jesus 


Who will be with my child?

Many Prince Pals volunteers are current or former special education teachers, therapists, or college students pursuing degrees in these fields. Middle and high school students volunteer as peer buddies who are additional help. Additionally, our safety and medical teams are kept up to date with needs specific to Prince Pals.


We have a multifaceted security plan in place to make sure that your child’s experience is as safe and carefree as possible. In addition to every volunteer completing an extensive onboarding process, we use a digital check-in and out process and monitor our areas with security cameras. Also, our areas are secured with locked hallway doors and team members checking visitors in and out during the services.

Interested in Volunteering?

If you would like to serve with Prince Pals, please fill out the form below, and we'll reach out to you soon! 
Volunteer Sign-up

Ministry Staff