

The Bible describes life within the church as a partnership. Churches are made up of an identifiable group of Christians who partner together to fulfill the mission of Jesus and to hold one another accountable to their commitment to follow Jesus. Becoming a member of Prince means that you are committing to this partnership with the members and pastors of the church. It also means that our church family is committing to you: to shepherd, encourage, admonish, pray for, and equip you for the work of the ministry.

The Bible is clear – every believer must be a member of a local church. The church is the means by which God is fulfilling His mission in the world. The church is the primary environment where Christian growth occurs. Without an identifiable membership, it is impossible for the pastors to faithfully shepherd and watch over people. The church is the bride and body of Christ and should not be taken lightly. God created your church for your good and for His glory.

how to become a member


  1. Be a follower of Jesus Christ - How do I become a Christian?
  2. Be baptized as a believer - Schedule a Baptism
  3. Complete the Membership Process - Register & Attend an Open House
  4. Affirm the Prince Partnership Agreements - Read the Partnership Agreement (Page 10)
  5. Meet with a Pastor to ask questions and discuss ways to get involved at Prince
What about children and membership?

If your child is not yet a professing follower of Christ, they will be listed as “Child of Prince Partners” as a part of your family unit. You will be members of Prince (Prince Partners), but your children will not at this point. Children under the age of eighteen, who are baptized by immersion after a profession of faith are welcomed into a “Fellowship Membership” status with Prince Avenue Baptist Church. The “Fellowship Membership” assumes that a child with the help of his parents will seek a place to serve the church, continue to be discipled by his parents, and will faithfully participate in the ministries of the church. The “Fellowship Membership” does not allow a child to vote nor receive church discipline. Parents are encouraged to continue to exercise their God-given responsibilities by discipling their child. 

Child and Covenant Membership

Following the eighteenth birthday of a child, he may request of the Pastors a membership interview to pursue Covenant Membership at Prince Avenue. Any child who does not begin the Covenant Membership process will be removed from Fellowship Membership status upon graduation from high school.

  • In obedience to God’s Word and by the power of the Holy Spirit, all partners at Prince agree to:
  • Choose by faith to trust and follow Jesus on a daily basis.
  • Proactively strive together to lead other people to trust and follow Jesus.
  • Engage in the Discipleship Pathway in order to pursue personal holiness and spiritual growth.
  • Pursue an Upward Life of Worship by attending weekly Sunday morning worship, pursuing intimacy with Jesus through Bible reading and prayer, and responding in obedience to God’s Word.
  • Pursue an Inward Life in Community by engaging sacrificially in a community group, giving generously and consistently to the church, serving in the church, and praying faithfully for the church.
  • Pursue an Outward Life on Mission by supporting and praying for our local and global ministry efforts as well as those sent out by Prince.
  • Maintain the unity of the body by refusing to gossip, refraining from speaking or acting in a way that hinders unity, and dealing with conflict in a Biblical manner.
  • Submit to the care and direction of the pastoral leadership, knowing that they are charged by God, and will give an account, of leading, feeding, and protecting our partners.

For questions regarding membership, please contact the church office at (678) 753-3100.


Open House

Discover the vision, methods, and strategy of Prince Avenue Baptist Church to fulfill the Great Commission over a free dinner. In addition, build relationships with others pursuing membership at Prince.
Open House is taught by Pastor Josh and is a requirement for membership.

Upcoming Dates

     • Sunday, November 17, 2024 Register Here


At Prince, we believe that baptism is an outward expression of the work that Jesus has done in a believer's life—it's something worth celebrating! 
We are so excited that you or your child are interested in being baptized.
Take a few seconds to fill out this form so we can contact you and schedule your baptism!

Baptism Interest Form

Name of person being baptized.

( )   -

This will help us know which pastor to reach out to you to schedule your baptism

Please include your name(s) and mobile number, if your child is being baptized.

We cannot guarantee this date will work out for your baptism, but let us know if there's a particular Sunday you have in mind!

Which service do you prefer for the baptism?