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Join us on Sunday Mornings

Worship Services  |  8:15am, 9:45am, & 11:15am

We gather corporately each week as a faith family because we have been commanded by God to do so. We believe there are certain things God does when we gather corporately that cannot be accomplished individually. We gather each week to sing Christ-exalting songs, hear Gospel-Centered expositional preaching, encourage one another, and give a visible display of the Gospel in our fellowship, sacrificial service, and worship.

Speak Spanish?

We also have a Hispanic Worship Service that meets in the Tabernacle on Sundays at 10:30am. If you're looking for a Spanish-speaking community that loves Jesus, we would love for you to join us! Find details here.

Community Groups  |  9:45am & 11:15am

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Find Community At Prince

Learn more about Community Groups

Does someone in your family have special needs?

They are welcome here!

Our special Needs ministry works with individuals—Children to Adults—to create the best support they need while at Prince!

Prince Pals is the Special Needs Support Ministry of Prince Avenue Baptist Church. Our desire is to support individuals with special needs—physical, emotional, cognitive, and developmental—and their families in whatever level of support they need to succeed
Learn More about Prince Pals

Meet Pastor Josh

Dr. J. Josh Smith | Senior Pastor

Josh began his ministry as senior pastor of Prince Avenue Baptist Church on January 14, 2018. Formerly, Josh was the senior pastor of MacArthur Boulevard Baptist Church in Irving, Texas since 2006.

Pastor Josh has ministered in more than 30 countries, worked with international students at Duke University, and served as a missionary in central Europe. His greatest passion is the exaltation of Christ and the advancement of Christ’s kingdom to the ends of the earth through the ministry of the local church.

Josh received his Bachelors in Cross-Cultural Studies from Liberty University, a Masters of Divinity from Southeastern Seminary, and a Doctor of Ministry in Expository Preaching from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

He and his wife Andrea, have four daughters and one son. He enjoys music, reading, collecting LP’s, spending time with family, and rainy days.

Meet our Full Team Here.

What makes Prince unique?

We hold to a few convictions at Prince that we love! We've assembled some sermons from the past few years where Pastor Josh explains the reasons why we do the things we do at Prince, and we think this could be extremely helpful for new members and guests. 

We hope to see you this Sunday!

3691 Monroe Highway, Bogart, GA 30605