Read the Bible Story Together

May 17, 2024

Read the Bible Story Together

One simple way to help your children remember what they're learning on Sundays and Wednesdays is to read the story as a family! Pretty obvious, right?
But it doesn't have to be simply reading the are a few ideas:

1. Read from different Bibles throughout the week

If your family is like ours, you have multiple Bibles given as gifts over the years. Throughout the week, read from the different Bibles, incorporating your Bible as well as your children's Bibles. If you have a storybook Bible, these can be a great, engaging way to tell the story, too!

If you do not have a storybook Bible, here are a few that we enjoy:

2. Take a Field trip

Sometimes, all it takes is a change of scenery for a story to click with your children. Instead of reading the story inside each week, look for opportunites to head outdoors!

For example, let's say you are reading in Luke 19 and come to the story of Zacchaeus. 

Or when you are reading of Jesus calming the storm in Mark 4, find time in the week to go to a pond, pool, or any body of water, and retell the story having your children imagine the rough waters.
Take the family outside, climb up into a tree, and retell the story from there!

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